La imagen surrealista de Cuba

Obras Proyectos Estudio - galeria Exposiciones
Yudit Vidal Faife

  Copyright @ Yudit Vidal Faife

Mail: Proyecto Entre hilos, alas y pinceles


          Proyecto Entre hilos, alas y  pinceles

El proyecto ¨Entre hilos, alas y pinceles¨ es un trabajo que agrupa alrededor de  21 artesanas-artistas de la ciudad de Trinidad . Partiendo del arte de la lencería y la vigencia que tiene dicho trabajo en la villa heredado de la Metrópoli, la artista de la plástica Yudit Vidal Faife logró seleccionar a un grupo importante de artesanas-artistas que cultivan esta labor para aplicar su trabajo a nuevos soportes y técnicas artísticas. Teniendo en cuenta la significación que ha tenido para los pobladores de la ciudad el hecho de mantener viva una tradición ancestral, con este trabajo se pretende legitimar una tradición durante años anónima que ha sido sustento y principal fuente económica  de varias familias. Las manualidades de estas personas constituyen un atractivo cultural y turístico, a la vez que mantiene la unidad del gremio de artesanas .

Los artesanos presentes  aplican las técnicas del deshilado y bordado a los pliegues, muebles, paisajes  y demás  figuras previamente ideadas por la artista a cargo del trabajo. Pintura, pinceles, lápiz, hilos, lienzos y agujas  se fusionan para hablar un solo lenguaje, el idioma de la imaginación capaz de expresar la belleza de la vida con imágenes.

El proyecto pretende reunir a varias artesanas – artistas reconocidas profesionalmente o no y agruparlas con el fin de rescatar y preservar tradiciones, aplicando el trabajo de lencería a diseños pictóricos y viceversa. Además, se le suma un nuevo valor estético a piezas de contexto utilitario,  tratando además de sumar nuevas experiencias avivando el interés de las nuevas generaciones por mantener vivo un legado ancestral muestra del patrimonio cultural de la ciudad.

Proposal Story:

It’s an exhibit that contains more than 20 Artisan-Artists from Trinidad, Cuba who have been living from of the art of embroidery for centuries.

Yudit Vidal Faife has been validating this craft through her work and was able to select an important group of artisans who apply their pictorial inspiration into new supports. A big change has been achieved from the original pieces to become an autonomous work of art besides making meritorious the recognition of this legendary Trinidad craft.

Size of paintings: 150 cm x 100 cm

1. Theme

 Culture and Identity of one important tradition in my city: the embroidery.

The degree of civilization of a town is measured by the interest in the knowledge of its history. A great opportunity to introduce Trinidad, its embroidery work which is part of its intangible cultural Patrimony.  

This City, Trinidad, is an eminent example of human tradition. Also representative of the evolution vulnerability, under the effects of irreversible mutations, trying to preserve cultural, architectural and spiritual wealth which allows us to navigate from the past towards the future.  

The craft, authentic voice of a town, word and sap, travels the most secret landscapes in the earth; it is the one that teaches a hive of formal wealth, synthesis of millennial traditions, visions and ways of making of each man in their region. Magic interwoven in the dreams of the trinitarian artisans.  

The linen has been and it is symbol of good pleasure, of an authentic and refined education where the soaked ones and the inherited fabrics of the metropolis, transmitted from generations on are at its maximum expression, with full validity in Trinidad, where they have stopped to be an intimate element to become means of subsistence that has resurged with force in a city that maintains traditions and customs in balance with the modernity; beauty and innovation that are manifested in the museums collections, in the trunks of the families and in each one of the exhibitions that are appreciated in the trinitarian galleries. These manual works are not only a tourist merchandise with value but an element of identity and of creation.  

Numerous women have developed this patient work of art from their home, as inheritance beyond the forgetfulness that serves from complement to their humble economy. All they coincide in that the handmade making is not only question of dexterity, but also of zealous will to continue consolidating and expanding our culture.  

The collection of these artisans, shows us the secrets of the embroidery work, with a serene beauty, in delicate and complex ways. It delights our senses with the multiple applications of the techniques of embroidery, the fabric Frivolitté, the fitting to the Bobbin and the embroidery Lace, designed pieces, made and adorned by women.